Friday, September 7, 2007

Postcard Assignment: Civita

Civita di Bagnoregio

An epic climb up a footbridge gets you to this tiny village populated by eleven people and four times as many tourists. The town feels bigger than it looks from far away. Maybe it's harder to get around after the hike up so it seems bigger. The view from the town is amazing! The post cards tells all. Rick Steves put this village in his 2007 Italy book so it's now on the tourist map. So there is no more olive oil to buy since I was in the second group for the tasting, but I still have the memory. The restaurant is dark and lit by candles. The bread is fresh and rubbed with garlic, olive oil, and butter. The light of the candles glints off the oil dribbled on the bread. The fire by the check out counter makes the room very hot. The door to outside is open and provides a small breeze. The oven makes the bread good. We have to go. He promises to ship the olive to us.

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