Thursday, September 13, 2007

Postcard Assignment: Michelangelo's Pieta

Michelangelo's Pieta
Basilica di San Pietro

The crowd in this place is worse than the one at White Night, and they are pushier. The gift shop is a nightmare, It took way too long just to get five post cards. Tour groups with matching items or clothing push past me, separating me from the group. I thought it would by rude to push the elderly. Red bands hang across necks, headphones in ears, hand pushing against it. Walking zombie-like and oblivious to other people. Courtesy is the first casualty of tourism. Dart in and out of people trying to get up to the group, a few awkward moments pushed up against strangers. Lisa says it's never been this bad. How can I really enjoy this place? It's an attraction, a site of interest. I want to light a candle for my grandmother, but I can't find a place to do it. No fake electric candles to light up either. I'll come back later. I need to buy presents anyway. The Pieta is especially crowded. Tourists with cameras, offended if you walk in front of them; it's not on purpose. Relax. Takes ten minutes to get anywhere.

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